
Skyline is going to be on T.V.

They're were called for a commercial for Cricket Wireless, a new cell phone company. See what the guys posted on MySpace:

"It's finally time to reveal our BIG Surprise! ...SKYLINE is going to be on T.V.!!!We were called in for a commercial for Cricket Wireless, a new, cool cell phone company (like Verizon, AT&T, etc.). They were searching for a band to perform a fresh, new version of "Respect" from Aretha Franklin.We put the entire arrangement, choreography, and performance for the song two nights before the big audition, within a few hours of work, and we nailed it. A few callbacks and lots of hustling later, we beat out all of the other bands and BOOKED the commercial!We are so excited that we'll be singing and dancing on a T.V. screen in your house and to be promoting Cricket Wireless! The commercial is set to air throughout the West Coast. Once it's on air, we will post it on our page!SKYLINE is goin' straight to the top!!!"

Really cool, isn't it?

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